Canine Weight Loss in Dallas

Canine Weight Loss

The Facts About Canine Obesity

  • Obesity is the most common preventable disease in dogs.
  • A pet is considered obese when they weigh over 20% more their ideal weight.
  • Approximately 25-30% of dogs in the United States are obese.
  • 40-45% of obese dogs are between the ages of 5-11.
  • The leading cause of canine obesity is overfeeding and lack of physical activity.
  • Obesity in dogs increases the risk of developing cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis (joint disease), and high blood pressure.
  • Overweight dogs have a shorter life span.

The Packin Method Weight Loss Program

About Our Weight Loss Program?

Now more than ever, dogs in the United States are at their heaviest weight.

To tackle the pet obesity epidemic, we have created a Weight Loss Program to help pet parents get their beloved pups’ physical fitness on track for a longer, happier, healthier life. 

We will create a personalized plan for your dog based on its breed, age, health, weight loss goals, and current physical activity. 

Programs are designed to get your pups moving at a healthy pace to achieve realistic weight loss in a safe amount of time.

Combining Treadmill Workouts, Dog Walks, and Canine Fitness we will get your dog moving consistently, enabling them to feel better and live longer. 

Healthy weight loss for dogs is between 1-5 pounds per month, based on the dog’s size and current condition. Most dogs can achieve their ideal weight within 6-8 months of starting a weight loss program.

Our goal is to help you, help them🤍

Weight Loss Program Includes:


All plans will begin with an initial evaluation where we will review the dog’s overall health history and current physical activity.

Plans are designed to include Treadmill Workouts (we use both the Slatmill and Pacer), Dog Walks, and Fitness.

✋🏼 Before starting your dog on any weight loss program, pet parents must consult their veterinarian to confirm that their pet is a good candidate for our program.

Weight Loss Program Pricing

All services include bottled water, a potty break before and after each session, a bi-weekly progress report, and daily feedback via email.

We begin all dogs on a twice weekly workout schedule to begin their weight loss journey.

2 Workouts A Week

$ 120
  • Sessions will be determined based on your dogs breed, age, health, and current physical actively.
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